Vacancy Reference: xxxx
Closing Date: 17th February, 2020
Start date: from 1/April/2020 for three years (with potential for an extension)
We are looking for an excellent and enthusiastic human-computer interaction researcher to join the ERC Advanced Grant ViAjeRo project ( This is a new 5 year project which will radically improve all passenger journeys by facilitating the use of immersive Virtual and Augmented Reality to support entertainment, work and collaboration when on the move. We are particularly focused on autonomous vehicles.
We are looking for an HCI researcher with an interest in interaction techniques, AR/VR/mixed reality, and interaction across different forms of transport.
This post is part of the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant ViAjeRo (, which will investigate motion sickness, social acceptability and interaction in virtual and augmented reality passenger experiences. This project will harness the benefits of fully autonomous vehicles, and will greatly reduce time and effort wasted during journeys, by developing new ways for passengers to use virtual and augmented reality technologies for entertainment, work and collaboration on the move.
You will be working with Stephen Brewster, Julie Williamson and Frank Pollick in the Glasgow Interactive Systems Section (GIST) , alongside other RAs and PhD students on the project. You can see some of the fantastic research going on in the group at
GIST provides an ideal ground for academic growth. It is the leader of a recently awarded Centre for Doctoral Training that will provide 50 PhD scholarships in the next five years. In addition, its 7 faculty members have accumulated more than 25,000 Scholar citations and have been or are leading large-scale national and European projects (including the ERC Advanced Grant “Viajero”, the Network Plus grant “Human Data Interaction”, the FET-Open project “Levitate”, the H2020 project MuMMER, etc.) for a total of over £20M in the last 10 years.
The position will last for 3 years, with a possible extension of another year. The start date is from April, but is negotiable.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact
For more details and the application procedure: (ID: xxxx)